Tuesday 14 October 2014

UGC - NET Solved I Paper DEC 2007

UGC - NET Solved I Paper DEC 2007

UGC NET Solved Paper I Dec2007

Questions along with Answers Below - Explanations are always welcome

1.    Verbal guidance is least effective in the learning of :
(A)    Aptitudes    (B)     Skills
(C)    Attitudes    (D)    Relationship

2.    Which is the most important aspect of the teacher's role in learning ?
(A)    The development of insight into what constitutes an adequate performance
(B)    The development of insight into what constitutes the pitfalls and dangers to be avoided
(C)    The provision of encouragement and moral support
(D)    The provision of continuous diagnostic and remedial help

3.    The most appropriate purpose of learning is :
(A)    personal adjustment    (B)     modification of behaviour
(C)    social and political awareness        (D)    preparing oneself for employment

4.    The students who keep on asking questions in the class should be :
(A)    encouraged to find answer independently
(B)    advised to meet the teacher after the class
(C)    encouraged to continue questioning
(D)    advised not to disturb during the lecture

5.    Maximum participation of students is possible in teaching through :
(A)    discussion method    (B)     lecture method
(C)    audio-visual aids    (D)    text book method

6.    Generalised conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as :
(A)    Data analysis and interpretation
(B)    Parameter inference
(C)    Statistical inference
(D)    All of the above

7.    The experimental study is based on :
(A)    The manipulation of variables       (B)     Conceptual parameters
(C)    Replication of research    (D)    Survey of literature

8.    The main characteristic of scientific research is :
(A)    empirical    (B)     theoretical
(C)    experimental    (D)    all of the above

9.    Authenticity of a research finding is its :
(A)    Originality    (B)     Validity
(C)    Objectivity    (D)    All of the above

10.    Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite ?
(A)    Area Sampling Technique    (B)     Purposive Sampling Technique
(C)    Systematic Sampling Technique    (D)    None of the above

Read the following passage and answer the questions 11 to 15 :
Gandhi's overall social and environmental philosophy is based on what human beings need rather than what they want. His early introduction to the teachings of Jains, Theosophists, Christian sermons, Ruskin and Tolstoy, and most significantly the Bhagavad Gita, were to have profound impact on the development of Gandhi's holistic thinking on humanity, nature and their ecological interrelation. His deep concern for the disadvantaged, the poor and rural population created an ambience for an alternative social thinking that was at once far-sighted, local and immediate. For Gandhi was acutely aware that the demands generated by the need to feed and sustain human life, compounded by the growing industrialization of India, far outstripped the finite resources of nature. This might nowadays appear naive or commonplace, but such pronouncements were as rare as they were heretical a century ago. Gandhi was also concerned about the destruction, under colonial and modernist designs, of the existing infrastructures which had more potential for keeping a community flourishing within ecologically-sensitive traditional patterns of subsistence, especially in the rural areas, than did the incoming Western alternatives based on nature-blind technology and the enslavement of human spirit and energies.
Perhaps the moral principle for which Gandhi is best known is that of active non-violence, derived from the traditional moral restraint of not injuring another being. The most refined expression of this value is in the great epic of the Mahabharata, (c. 100 BCE to 200 CE), where moral development proceeds through placing constraints on the liberties, desires and acquisitiveness endemic to human life. One's action is judged in terms of consequences and the impact it is likely to have on another. Jainas had generalized this principle to include all sentient creatures and biocommunities alike. Advanced Jaina monks and nuns will sweep their path to avoid harming insects and even bacteria.  Non-injury is a non-negotiable universal prescription.
11.    Which one of the following have a profound impact on the development of Gandhi's holistic thinking on humanity, nature and their ecological interrelations ?
(A)    Jain teachings    (B)     Christian sermons
(C)    Bhagavad Gita    (D)    Ruskin and Tolstoy

12.    Gandhi's overall social and environmental philosophy is based on human beings' :
(A)    need    (B)     desire
(C)    wealth    (D)    welfare

13.    Gandhiji's deep concern for the disadvantaged, the poor and rural population created
an ambience for an alternative :
(A)    rural policy    (B)     social thinking
(C)    urban policy    (D)    economic thinking

14.    Colonial policy and modernisation led to the destruction of :
(A)    major industrial infrastructure
(B)    irrigation infrastructure
(C)    urban infrastructure
(D)    rural infrastructure

15.    Gandhi's active non-violence is derived from :
(A)    Moral restraint of not injuring another being
(B)    Having liberties, desires and acquisitiveness
(C)    Freedom of action
(D)    Nature-blind technology and enslavement of human spirit and energies

16.    DTH service was started in the year :
(A)    2000    (B)  2002
(C)    2004    (D) 2006

17.    National Press day is celebrated on :
(A)    16th November    (B)     19th November
(C)    21th November    (D)    30th November

18.    The total number of members in the Press Council of India are :
(A)    28    (B)     14
(C)    17    (D)    20

19.    The right to impart and receive information is guaranteed in the Constitution of India by Article :
(A)    19 (2) (a)    (B)     19(16)
(C)    19(2)          (D)    19(1) (a)

20.    Use of radio for higher education is based on the presumption of :
(A)    Enriching curriculum based instruction
(B)    Replacing teacher in the long run
(C)    Everybody having access to a radio set
(D)    Other means of instruction getting outdated

21.    Find out the number which should come at the place of question mark which will complete the
         following series:   5, 4, 9, 17, 35, ? = 139
(A)    149    (B)     79
(C)    49      (D)    69

Questions 22 to 24 are based on the following diagram in which there are three interlocking circles I, S and P, where circle I stands for Indians, circle S for Scientists and circle P for Politicians. Different regions in the figure are lettered from a to f
 22.    The region which represents Non-Indian Scientists who are Politicians :
(A)    f    (B)     d
(C)    a    (D)    c

23.    The region which represents Indians who are neither Scientists nor Politicians :
(A)    g    (B)     c
(C)    f    (D)    a

24.    The region which represents Politicians who are Indians as well as Scientists :
(A)    b    (B)     c
(C)    a    (D)    d

25.    Which number is missing in the following series ?
          2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, ?
(A)    63    (B)     65
(C)    67    (D)    69

26.    The function of measurement includes :
(A)    Prognosis    (B)     Diagnosis
(C)    Prediction    (D)    All of the above

27.    Logical arguments are based on:
(A)    Scientific reasoning           (B)     Customary reasoning
(C)    Mathematical reasoning    (D)    Syllogistic reasoning

28.    Insert the missing number:
         4 : 17 : : 7 : ?
(A)    48    (B)     49
(C)    50    (D)    51

29.    Choose the odd word:
(A)    Nun       (B)     Knight
(C)    Monk    (D)    Priest

30.     Choose the number which is different from others in the group :
(A)    49    (B)     63
(C)    77    (D)    81

31.    Probability sampling implies:
(A)    Stratified Random Sampling    (B)Systematic Random Sampling
(C)    Simple Random Sampling    (D)  All of the above

32.    Insert the missing number:
         36/62 ,  39/63,  43/61, 48/64, ?
(A)    51/65         (B) 56/60
(C)    54/65         (D) 33/60
Note:  It seems the denominator is wrong

33.    At what time between 3 and 4 O'clock will the hands of a watch point in opposite directions ?
(A)    40 minutes past three (C)    50 minutes past three
(B)    45 minutes past three (D)    55 minutes past three

34.    Mary has three children. What is the probability that none of the three children is a boy?
(A)   1/2     (B) 1/3
(C)   3/4     (D)  1
Note: answer is 1/8

35.    If the radius of a circle is increased by 50 per cent. Its area is increased by :
(A)    125 per cent    (B)     100 per cent
(C)    75 per cent    (D)    50 per cent

36.     CD ROM stands for :
(A)    Computer Disk Read Only Memory
(B)    Compact Disk Read Over Memory
(C)    Compact Disk Read Only Memory
(D)    Computer Disk Read Over Memory

37.    The 'brain' of a computer which keeps peripherals under its control is called :
(A)    Common Power Unit    (B)     Common Processing Unit
(C)    Central Power Unit       (D)    Central Processing Unit

38.    Data can be saved on backing storage medium known as :
(A)    Compact Disk Recordable    (B)     Computer Disk Rewritable
(C)    Compact Disk Rewritable    (D)    Computer Data Rewritable

39.    RAM means :   
(A)    Random Access Memory    (B)    Rigid Access Memory
(C)    Rapid Access Memory    (D)    Revolving Access Memory

40.    www represents :   
(A)    who what and where    (B)    weird wide web
(C)    word wide web    (D)    world wide web

41.    Deforestation during the recent decades has led to :
(A)    Soil erosion    (B)     Landslides
(C)    Loss of bio-diversity    (D)    All the above

42.    Which one of the following natural hazards is responsible for causing highest human disaster ?
(A)    Earthquakes           (B) Snow-storms  
(C)    Volcanic eruptions  (D) Tsunami

43.    Which one of the following is appropriate for natural hazard mitigation ?
(A)    International AID    (B)     Timely Warning System
(C)    Rehabilitation    (D)    Community Participation

44.     Slums in metro-city are the result of :
(A)    Rural to urban migration    (B)     Poverty of the city-scape
(C)    Lack of urban infrastructure    (D)    Urban-governance

45.     The great Indian Bustard bird is found in :
(A)    Thar Desert of India
(B)    Coastal regions of India
(C)    Temperate Forests in the Himalaya
(D)    Tarai zones of the Himalayan Foot

46.    The first Indian Satellite for serving the educational sector is known as :
(A)    SATEDU    (B)     INSAT - B
(C)    EDUSAT    (D)    INSAT-C

47.    Exclusive educational channel of IGNOU is known as :
(A)    GyanDarshan    (B)     Cyan Vani
(C)    DoorDarshan    (D)    Prasar Bharati

48.    The head quarter of Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya is situated in:
(A)    Sevagram    (B)     New Delhi
(C)    Wardha    (D)    Ahmedabad

49.    Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer using the codes given below :
         List-I                                                                                List-II
       (Institutes)                                                                       (Locations)
(a)    Central Institute of English                             (i)      Chitrakoot and Foreign Languages
(b)    Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya                        (ii)     Hyderabad
(c)    Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies     (iii)    New Delhi
(d)    IGNOU                                                       (iv)    Dharmasala
Codes :
         (a)    (b)    (c)    (d)
(A)    (ii)    (i)    (iv)    (iii)
(B)    (iv)    (iii)    (ii)    (i)
(C)    (iii)    (iv)    (i)    (ii)
(D)    (i)    (ii)    (iv)    (iii)

50.    The aim of vocationalization of education is :
(A)    preparing students for a vocation along with knowledge
(B)    converting liberal education into vocational education
(C)    giving more importance to vocational than general education
(D)    making liberal education job-oriented 

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